Regional Area Calculator for ACT

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-suburb name and post code
-Income              -Population
-Distance     -Experts ranking

Regional Areas in Australian Capital Territory - ACT

Search with Suburb Name(s) or Postcode(s)

Search & explore any ACT region with the suburb name or its postcode. The search will provide related statistics for each Suburb.


Want to live in Australian Capital Territory designated regional areas that are close to Canberra.

Below is the list of regional areas that are close to the Australian Capital Territory. We have calculated the distance from Canberra CBD/City.

See Complete List of ACT Regional Areas

Click the button below to see the complete list of ACT regional areas in table format.  

Search Regional Areas near a suburb of your choice

If you want to live close to a specific Suburb. Just enter the name of that suburb and our regional area calculator will give you list of all eligible regional areas near the suburb of your choice that you entered. 

Nearest Eligible Designated Areas are as follows
PostcodeNameStateDistance from Capital CBD (km)Urban AreaPopulationCategoryMedian IncomeArea (sq km)Urban AreaTypeLocal GovernmentRegion

Results with Best Median Income

Below is the list of suburbs that we have ranked as best income-wise.


The population is one of the major factors that could count towards the income and economy of a particular area. Below is the list of eligible regional areas of ACT that have better population rating.

EXPERT RANKING By "SIDRA SHAHAB" - Brilliant Migration Club

While Income and population are important. We think that there should be a balance between median income and population of a suburb.

Higher-income suburbs does not necessarily mean higher income opportunities in that area.

Sidra Shahab, A Registered Migration Consultant at BRILLIANT MIGRATION CLUB has identified all those suburbs that rank well both Income and Population wise.

Please click the button below to check our own ranking.

Postcode Name Distance from Canberra CBD (km) Population Median Income Category Area (sq km) Urban Area Type Local Government Region rank population by median income
2601 Acton 3.3 2086 9308 Category 2 5.989 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.2241082939407
2617 Belconnen 8.9 6657 43628 Category 2 4.426 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.15258549555331
2617 Bruce 8.1 6997 42484 Category 2 6.608 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.16469729780623
2601 Canberra 1 4276 25792 Category 2 1.431 Major urban locality Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.16578784119107
2906 Gordon 27.6 7611 49764 Category 2 4.442 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.15294188570051
2617 Kaleen 9.6 7271 44148 Category 2 6.027 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.16469602246987
2902 Kambah 18 14900 47684 Category 2 11.336 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.31247378575623
2913 Ngunnawal 17.3 10486 49920 Category 2 4.159 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.21005608974359
2903 Wanniassa 18.4 7512 48204 Category 2 5.398 Canberra Suburb Unincorporated Australian Capital Territory 0.15583768981827
Postcode Name Distance from Canberra CBD (km) Population Median Income Category Area (sq km) Urban Area Type Local Government Region rank population by median income

Regional Australia's list for other States

  1. You are currently on a webpage that contains all postcodes and suburbs in ACT that are eligible for regional Visa.

You may wish to explore other states or all regional areas in Australia.

You may wish to visit the following pages for other regional Areas.

  1. Visit regional areas in complete Australia to explore the best regions all over Australia.
  2. Visit NSW regional Areas to explore the best areas in New South Wales.
  3. Visit regional areas in South Australia to find out the best regional areas in SA.
  4. Visit regional areas in Queensland to find out the best regional areas in QLD.
  5. Visit regional areas in Victoria – to explore VIC eligible areas.
  6. Visit regional areas in Northern Territory to explore NT’s eligible areas.
  7. Visit regional areas in Western Australia. 
  8. Visit Tasmania regional areas to explore the best regional in TAS.

Good news is that all suburbs in Australian Capital Territory are considered as “regional Australia” and are eligible regional areas for a regional visa application.

Skilled migrants and overseas workers wanting to apply for a regional visa in the ACT region may wish to explore ACT’s regions with our search options below.

Applicants may also want to make sure that their nominated occupation is on ACT’s skilled occupation list and they also qualify for the Canberra matrix before nomination application is made.

Most regional visa applicants with approved “State Nomination” prefer to settle in the Canberra region.

What if you are not aware of many other regional areas in ACT that might be a better fit for you.

Use our Designated Regional Area calculator below to find the best regional areas in ACT according to your own requirements.

How does the Designated Regional Area Calculator work?

It’s simple, we present five search options below for you to explore in ACT region.

  • Search any designated regional area in ACT with suburb name or postcode. It will give you comprehensive data about a particular area including its population, median income, local government area and distance from Canberra.

  • Search the best regional areas in ACT with the best income.
  • Search the best regional areas in ACT with the highest population.

  • Search some great suburbs closer to Canberra. We will calculate the distance from Canberra and would filter it for you from nearest to farthest.

  • Best suburbs by Expert’s Ranking.
ACT regional area postcode
Search with Suburbs Name(s) or Postcode(s)

Know a suburb name. Just enter the name and find out if its an eligible regional area or not?

Suburb you know in ACT
Find a regional area near a suburb you know

Trying to find out regional areas near a known suburb. Enter the suburb name to find nearest regional areas.

Best Income Suburbs
Search the Suburbs with Best Median Income

Income is your concern. Search the regional areas with the best median Income in Victoria

Best Suburbs by Population ACT
Regional Areas with Greater Population

More population, better economic activities. Search the regional areas with the highest population

Suburbs Near Canberra
Best Regional Areas Near Canberra

Want to live in a regional area near Canberra. Search the suburbs close to Canberra City/CBD

Migration Agent Suggested Best Regional Areas
Expert's Ranking by "Sidra Shahab"

Let us suggest you the best regional areas identified by the experts at Brilliant Migration Club.
